Can You Sleep on a Bean Bag? (Answered!)

Can You Sleep on a Bean Bag? (Answered!)

Are you looking for a place to sleep which is comfortable and fun? Yes, your best bet is your bed. But there are other options as well such as a sofa, recliner, or perhaps a bean bag. Speaking of bean bags, if you are a homeowner, you might be thinking can you sleep on a bean bag or not? Yes, you can sleep on it.

But there are certain conditions and things to keep in mind when sleeping on these bad boys. If you are not mindful of those critical factors, you might end up hurting your back. Read on to find out more about it and get a detailed explanation for this question. Let’s dive in.

Can You Sleep on a Bean Bag Chair?

Yes, you can sleep on a bean bag. But your posture should be accurate. Also, make sure that your bean bag is of top-notch quality.

Just to be on the safe side, Dont let the elderly, babies, sick patients, and pregnant women sleep on a bean bag.

Is It Safe to Sleep on a Bean Bag? – Answered!

Yes, for adults, sleeping on a bean bag is completely safe. They can rest and sleep on a bean bag for long hours.

Is It Safe to Sleep on a Bean Bag
Credits: Love Sac

No one can deny the fact that the bed bean bag chair is cozy. They are so comfortable that most individuals who sit in them fall asleep in no time. The zero gravity effect contributes a lot to a peaceful, deep sleep of a person. Additionally, a bean bag might take the place of your own bed because it is extremely comfortable.

Additionally, it must be sturdy and consistent enough to support your total body weight. Before you sleep on your bean bag, make sure it has enough room for your full body. 

Who Should Avoid Sleeping on a Bean Bag?

Following individuals should avoid sleeping on a bean bag as it is dangerous for them:

  • Elder people
  • Babies
  • Pregnant ladies

This precaution is crucial due to the possibility that old people and pregnant women may experience imbalance and difficulties standing due to the comfy nature of bean bags. Also, their body weight might make it hard for them to stand up from it.

Whereas large bean bag chairs, especially when left unattended or unnoticed, like during night time when you are getting rest, could occasionally raise the danger of suffocation in small children.

Factors to Remember When Choosing to Sleep on a Bean Bag

There is a huge variety of bean bags you can sleep in that come from various popular brands all claiming to provide you with the best possible sleeping experience.

But some things should be considered before you make up your mind to pick one. We liked the Sofa Sack’s Plush bean bag as it is super comfy for sleeping.

Always keep the following two things in mind before you decide on sleeping in a bean bag chair:

Build Quality

Makes sure that your bean bag is of the best quality and meets world standards. It should easily bear wear and tear because when sleeping on it, you don’t know which way you are sleeping. Hence, it should be made up of high-quality material so you can use it roughly. 

If the bed bean bag chair is of poor quality, chances are while sleeping, you might accidentally tear its fabric and send the fillings flying all over the floor. And the bean-hunting in the room will give you a headache. In the end, you’ll be left with a strong, rigid bag that offers no comfort.

Ergonomic Body Posture

Generally speaking, a person can sleep in almost any position on a sleeping bean bag. Sleep in an ergonomic body posture that will support your spine and hips. If you will sleep in a bad body shape, your back and hips will hurt badly. This will make you forget about sleeping on a bean bag chair ever again.

Those who know the right way to sit or sleep on a bean bag always prefer a bean bag over any other option. They know that bean bags offer constant, soft-but-firm springy comfort for a fine rest at night.


If you intend to sleep on the bean bags, make sure they have a fabric cover on them. This is due to the fact that after prolonged use, normal bean bags may heat up a bit.

Better heat regulation is provided by an extra layer of fabric. Bean bag chairs in which you can sleep in have this kind of fabric. Additionally, it does not let dirt and other contaminants settle down and hence keeps your bean bag in a good condition.


Finally, invest in bean bags that have a teardrop form. Typically, there are these kinds of bean bag seats available out there.

Market vendors sell bean bags that, for the most part, replicate the shape of the human body while anyone uses them to get rest. They differ from round and oval bean bags as in that they have a narrow elevated top that becomes larger at the base. Oval and round bean bags feature the same dimension everywhere.

Suffocation risk when sleeping on a bean bag is decreased by its teardrop form. This is due to the fact that you wouldn’t have an extra area behind your head; instead, you would have a thin top that could support both your neck and head. 

You can also sit on it comfortably without having the fear of falling on the floor. If you want to be felt cuddled, you should definitely try lying on a bean bag having this shape.

Should You Sleep on a Bean Bag? – Pros and Cons Explained

Most of the time, it is safe to sleep on a bean bag for grown-ups. Additionally, sleeping in a bean bag has been proven to be healthy for you in numerous ways.

We recommend this Cordaroy’s kids bean bag chair as a decent option if you are looking for a bean bag to get for your little one.

The main reason for this is that bean bags have the unusual capacity to adapt their shape to fit the body weight, type, height, and size of the user, provided the bean bag is big enough to accommodate him/her.

Should You Sleep on a Bean Bag


Here are some of the benefits of bean bags that go beyond providing you with a comfortable and restful night’s sleep.

Makes You Stress-Free

Sleeping on a bean bag will make you stress-free. A standard chair or any cushion cannot get rid of stress in pressure points of the body. But a soft bean bag can successfully do it because of its ability to accommodate a user’s body with ease by adjusting itself.

It will help you in feeling more relaxed and you will enjoy yourself lying on a comfy bean bag. 

High-Quality Foam

Bean bags from top-rated brands consist of high-quality foam that is neither extra soft nor immensely firm. A bean bag can easily adjust according to your body and wraps & covers your body for flawless support.

Solve Back Pain Issues

Regular furniture does not support your back as well as a bean bag. Even if they do, you have to struggle sleeping or sitting in a specific body posture on them or you will end up with developed back pain.

If you are wondering whether or not bean bag are good for your back, you will now be satisfied with them as they do wonders for your back.

People suffering from back pain or who want to avoid it should opt for a bean bag as it is a fine remedy for this serious health issue. The bean bag provides awesome support and equal pressure from every side to your back. In this way, the bean bag aligns your spine’s upper and lower parts.

Besides people with back pain, if you work from home or sit in front of a computer for long hours for work, you should get a bean bag chair for yourself. A person can sit on a bean bag for a long time without hurting the hips shoulders, or back.

Ditch the Pillow

Since bean bag chairs allow you to place your head at any spot you desire, you can ditch a pillow. It lets you sleep in almost any position such as draped, flat, seated, or however, you wish in order to get the much-needed nap after a long, hectic day at work.

Bean Bags can be used to optimize post-surgical comfort because of their adjustability. Thanks to the bean bag’s distinctive ability to adjust to any shape and support a person’s whole body while he/she sits or sleeps, it is of great help to people who are recovering from surgery.

It also heals people who are suffering from injuries due to an accident. When you are recovering from surgery, this is a simple method to improve your quality and standards of life.

Lowers Muscle and Joint Pain

Normal furniture, either soft or hard is not recommended for people with joint and muscle pains because they work to heal the body for only a short period of time. But sitting or sleeping on a bean bag will do it for a long time. Healing requires you to sit or sleep in a defined posture.

You can easily sleep or sit on a bean bag according to the recommended body posture. You will find it hard to do so on classic furniture. Bean bags dont put unnecessary stress or pressure on the joints and muscles because they are quite comfy and can be adjusted in different ways.

Lowers Neck Pain, Tension, and Headaches

One of the main causes of headaches, tension, back pain, and neck pain is sleeping or sitting in an inappropriate body posture. This is where bean bags come into play. Replace your ordinary furniture with a bean bag and you will notice a clear difference.

It lets you sit in an ideal way to relieve these problems. Your neck begins to heal slowly when you sit or sleep on a bean bag, as your neck muscles no longer have to support your wrong sleeping or sitting posture.

Great for Mind and Body

Sleeping in a comfortable place gives you the ultimate peace of mind and body. You will have the best sleep on a bean bag and will be able to relax like nowhere else. The release of stress and tension also plays a crucial role in making you calm and relaxed to do the chores in the morning.


The downsides of sleeping on a bean bag chair are:


Sitting on a freshly unpacked memory foam bean bag or a bean bag bed with such fillings is completely fine. But for some people, sleeping on a bean bag like that could result in negative health effects.

The memory foam filling used to fill the bean bag is the primary culprit, since it can make some people’s breathing uncomfortable. However, this only occurs with freshly unpacked memory foam, and even that disappears after some days of use.

Wrong Posture

Yes If you sit on your bean bag for long hours in the wrong body posture, it has some negative effects on your body, specifically your hips and spine.

Similarly, sitting in an adverse posture can lead your body towards a bit slouchy posture, which is harmful to your spinal curvature. In addition to that, It can ultimately cause spinal disorders such as spondylitis.

Bean Bag vs Bed

You definitely can replace your bed with a bean bag. In fact, tons of homeowners are doing just that as they are realizing its benefits such as extreme comfort.

There are certain reasons why a bean bag is better than a bed:


In general, beds trap bad smells for a long time. But that is not the case with bean bags. Your bean bag will never smell bad unless you haven’t cleaned it for a long time.


A bed takes up a huge amount of space in comparison to a bean bag. A bean bag can easily fit in a small space. Plus, it can also act as an extra seating option when friends come to your home for a party or a gathering.

A Lot of Maintenance

A bed requires high maintenance as you have to wash mattresses, bed sheets, and more. Whereas bean bag does not take much to clean and maintain it. Additionally, bean bags and their covers are easy to wash.


A bean bag, as opposed to a bed or mattress, adjusts according to the body, offering amazing comfort and support to the user throughout the night.

Sleeping on a bed makes your back and neck stiff which leads to developing pain in the body. That is not the case with a bean bag.


Buying accessories cost a lot of money. You need frames, sheets, pillows, headboards, pads, and many other accessories to use with a bed. Whereas a bean bag only requires bean bag fillings and sometimes a cover.


Beds are quite expensive and cost you a fortune. Buying beds for your family can cost you thousands of dollars. Bean bags are quite affordable when compared to beds, costing you only a few hundred dollars.


A bed is quite difficult to move and requires enormous energy and effort as well. On the opposite side, one can easily move a bean bag from place to place. As bean bags are portable, you can effortlessly move them from one room to another. They are also the ideal option for your movie nights and sleepovers.

There is no need to spend thousands of dollars on furniture when you can buy a bean bag chair for less money. If you ignore the bean bag chair as an alternate piece of furniture, you are basically wasting your hard-earned money.

It turns into the best, most economical premium choice for each need of homeowners. If you’re married and have children, it will still work fine for you. It’s still vital if you’re in your golden years because your body starts to seek comfort in possibly any way.

Can Baby Sleep on a Bean Bag?

In general, a baby cannot sleep on a bean bag. Bean bags are not completely dangerous for bean bags, for example, you can use them for photography or just put your baby on them for some time under your supervision.

But you should never give a nap or sleep your babies over a bean bag. It is because bean bags are harmful to infants under the age of one year, as was previously mentioned. Also, infants under one year old have a risk of suffocation.

The bean bag fillers such as polystyrene beads might wrap around a baby’s face and block the airways which can lead to serious problems.

Can Baby Sleep on a Bean Bag
Credits: Love Sac

As was previously mentioned, sleeping on a bean bag is not recommended for anyone who cannot move their body on their own. The same goes for infants. Experts are against allowing babies under 12 months to sleep on bean bags as well. So once more, it’s not okay to let babies sleep on a bean bag.

What about toddlers? Should you let your toddlers sleep on a bean bag? As long as they don’t open the zipper and get inside the bean bag fillings, bed bean bag chair is safe for children who have full body control (1 year and older).

Choose a bean bag with a childproof zipper if you’re purchasing it for your kids so they can’t open it and get inside, which decreases the risk of inhaling the filling.

Parents often use bean bags as a furniture option for their kids’ bedrooms and playrooms. Kids can use them for reading, watching TV, or relaxing, and are functional and comfy.

Plus, they will find bean bags to be really cozy for sleeping in. This seating option also provides massive support for the developing bodies of kids. Big bean bags can accommodate several toddlers sleeping on them because of their large size.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Can a Kid Sleep in a Bean Bag?

A small kid under one year old cannot sleep on a bean bag. A kid who is older than one year old and can have control over their body can sleep on a bean bag.

How Much Weight Can a Bean Bag Hold?

A bean bag that consists of beans as fillings can comfortably hold a weight of up to 90 to 100 kilograms.

Where Do You Put a Bean Bag in a Bedroom?

You can put your bean bag closer to the bedroom sofa, mirror, reading table, or TV in a bedroom. These are the areas where you will need a bean bag the most.

Where Do You Put a Bean Bag?

You can put a bean bag in an office, home, apartment, beach, garden, or wherever you want.

Are Bean Bags Safe for Babies?

Bean bags for babies are safe if they are used under parents’ supervision. But remember that a baby under the age of 12 months should not sleep on a bean bag. Parents need to make sure that bean bag coverings should be always full of beads and have double stitching, locking zippers, and sturdy linings, according to parents.

You Can Sleep on a Bean Bag – It’s Safe

So that was everything on can you sleep on a bean bag or not. Grown-ups can sleep on a bean bag. On the flip side, kids, pregnant women, elderly people, and sick people should not sleep on it.

There are pros and cons of sleeping on this piece of furniture just like every other thing. Choosing to sleep on it totally depends on how comfortable you find it.

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Kade Wiley
By Kade Wiley

Kade Wiley has a qualification in Interior Design & Decoration and has a passion for all things related to beanbags. He has dedicated his services to provide maximum information to homeowners on issues related to bean bags. Besides writing, Kade loves to travel around the world.

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